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Any amount goes a long way to fund our efforts.
The Chief Rick Stone and Family Charitable Foundation is a qualified private charitable organization certified by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(C)3 of the IRS Code. Any donation may be fully tax deductible.
To make a check donation, you may send a check with your contribution to the Foundation address listed below:
The Chief Rick Stone and Family Charitable Foundation
Box 61
Glen Rose, Texas 76043
Chief Stone will personally acknowledge your generosity and a receipt will be sent to you by the Foundation for use with your tax filings.
Recently a family member who we assisted many years ago posted the following endorsement on Facebook and granted us permission to re-post it here:
“A very personal request.
I am certain that like me you are receiving many requests for charitable donations from worthwhile causes. I hardly ever ask anyone to contribute to any causes, as I feel that you are the best judge of causes that touch your heart.
In this season of giving, I am respectfully requesting that you consider joining me in a cause that I consider very important and for which I am honored to volunteer.
There are thousands of boxes of human remains of American soldiers sitting in a warehouse in Honolulu. Many of them are from battles over eighty years ago. These true heroes who sacrificed everything were never given a final resting place or afforded the military honors commensurate with their sacrifice.
Prior to when my Mom met my Dad, she was planning to marry Clifford Siegel. “Cliffy” joined the marines and was killed in action on the very first day of the Battle of Tarawa in November 1943. His body was never recovered and he is memorialized in the Garden of the Missing at Punch Bowl National Cemetery in Honolulu.
After my Mom died almost nine years ago, I began researching the battle and learned about all of these body parts. I cam across Chief Rick Stone who established a foundation to identify the closest living relative of MIAs to obtain DNA to help identify the body parts. The Foundation has been very successful and I believe what Rick and his team are doing is G-d’s work. In the Jewish religion, the greatest good deed that one can do is helping to prepare a body for burial since the deceased is no longer able to thank you. Rick’s mission is very similar to this.
I hope you consider joining me in supporting Rick and the incredibly important work he is spearheading.
Without YOUR contributions, our missions cannot be fulfilled.
Please remember that our Foundation does NOT receive any government funding.
It is ONLY through YOUR support of our Foundation’s efforts that the families of our lost heroes can finally receive information and closure regarding the loss of a missing American service member.
Homecoming for Tarawa Marine PFC Alfred Edwards at Arlington National Cemetery on 10 March 2020.
On 7 February 2019, Foundation researchers responded to a “Family Request” and investigated PFC Edwards’ case. The Foundation investigation narrowed the list of “Most Likely Matches” to just two “Unknowns” buried in the Punchbowl Cemetery in Honolulu, Hawaii: Unknowns X-203 and X-209.
IN AN INCREDIBLY STUNNING VALIDATION OF THE RISC SYSTEM CREATED BY CHIEF STONE AND UTILIZED BY FOUNDATION RESEARCHERS, PFC Edwards was officially identified as BOTH Unknown X-203 and X-209 by the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory on 27 August 2019.
YOUR personal contribution will help provide information to many MIA families in 2025 and …
Help bring more missing American heroes home.
In appreciation, you own family member will be given a special memorial posting at the “In Memoriam” section of our web site.
Click on the gold star above to see our “In Memoriam” honorees. They are not forgotten!
On behalf of these brave men and women and that of their families, please accept our Foundation’s most sincere thank you for your donation!

Click on the image above for a direct link to a story regarding a case investigation by the Chief Rick Stone and Family Charitable Foundation courtesy of Fox News, Veterans Day, November 11, 2019